Hilary Hahn

The violin has produced more child prodigies than any other musical instrument. Many of them grew up to become world stars -- from Yehudi Menuhin to Itzhak Perlman and Anne-Sophie Mutter. But even child prodigies don't seem to be what they used to be. Many of today's up and coming violinists decorate themselves with qualities that are not necessarily related to music. Nigel Kennedy caught attention with provocative interpretations and a punker hairdo, Vanessa Mae had her picture taken while standing in the ocean and wearing a wet tee shirt, and the latest American issue of Playboy magazine shows Finnish "violin goddess" Linda Brava in lascivious posture. The article is entitled "Brahms Bombshell." However, there is a young violinist growing up in America whose focus is music. Her name is Hilary Hahn, she is 18 years old and about to tour Germany (April 2 and 3 in Munich, April 4 in Stuttgart, April 6 in Karlsruhe, April 8 in Hamburg, and April 24 and 25 in Hof). Georg Hirsch paid her a visit in Baltimore.

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