Hollywood Soundtracks

Doctor Zhivago, Love Story, Gone With the Wind - almost everybody has heard of these three film classics that are also unforgettable to the ear. Their title melodies went down in history, contributing to the establishment of film music as a respected art form. For decades, the "dream factory" where movies and music are produced has been Hollywood, the famous part of Los Angeles. However, the multi-billion dollar industry does not only produce winners. A place where fast money is made also creates tensions, disappointment, and fears. Some of the senior film composers complain about a decline of artistic standards, cheap computer programs threaten to kill jobs for studio musicians, and high fees for the musicians drive producers away from Los Angeles. A sizeable number of soundtracks is now produced in Seattle, Utah, and even in Europe or Asia. Georg Hirsch took a look at the earth quake in Hollywood and spoke with insiders.

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